Thursday, March 24, 2005

Customer Service/Support : Too much dependence on machines?

Originally uploaded by findvikram.
I was on the train from Philadelphia to Newark and I ended up having a conversation with an old man. It turned out he was a professor at the Department of Religion at Temple University, Philadelphia. Although I didn'€™t think we would have too much common ground to talk upon, we did talk about everything from trains to the challenges faced by the new generations due to technology. There were times when I knew I did not agree with him, but I decided to let him do the talking. It was just my little way in which I thought I would respect his seniority. One such instance was when he said “ Son, look at the way in which customer service and support reps depend on machines to do their job, there'€™s surely a disaster coming sometime soon!€. My mind said, "€œYa right!"€.

I had decided to keep my rendezvous with this man till the train. But on my walk from the Newark Penn Station to my house, I had nothing better to do but walk, so I decided I would ponder once again over his idea on the customer service reps' dependence on machines. Suddenly, it felt as if my brain was being attacked with voices. Voices of customer service and support associates talking their usual stuff. Thanking me for my business, asking me to have a good day and the all so popular long introductory line that they have that makes you go "€œHey!..Shut up and Listen!!€...My cell-phone bill is all wrong!€. My mind was full of audio snapshots of the bad and worse experiences that I’ve had talking to these people.

I want to showcase this one particular phone conversation that I had with a customer service representative from PNC Bank.

She: Thank you for calling PNC bank....Blah..Blah..Blah..€how can I help you?
Me: Hey!, How'€™re you today? I actually called because I have lost my '€˜Account link Number'€™(ALN). Which is why I am not able to access my account online. So I was wondering if there is a procedure by which I can get a new ALN
She: Sure! Give me a moment please.....Err..ok...I would like to first verify some information sir€....can I have your ALN please?
Me: Maam, I just said that I have lost my ALN and that I want a new one.
She: I am sorry sir, but I can'€™t help you with anything unless you give me your ALN.
Me: So is there another number where I should call?
She: Sir, I said I cant give you any information till you provide me your ALN number. Is there anything else that I can help you out with?
Me: Yes!!!!, Can you at least tell me that closest bank branch close to Newark where I can go and get a new ALN???!!!
She: Tone it down Sir!
Me: I should tone it down? Tone down what?? I just want to know a way to get a new ALN!
She: I am sorry sir, I now have to end this call. Thank you for calling PNC bank, we appreciate your business.

PNC bank is a huge bank, and it does maintain good standards in customer service. I am sure the person that I talked to must have been a fresh employee or trainee or maybe someone just having a bad day. But my question is, what actually made her not even consider my question? Why did I sound like an alien to her? Just because I was not on her 'system'™, did it mean that I could not even know the address or telephone number of my closest branch? Is this what we can call too much dependence on machines by customer service reps?

In my next post:
My three craziest phone conversations with customer service representatives.
More brainstorming on this issue.
Find out if there is really a disaster waiting to happen!


Anonymous said...

great thinking , hope pnc bank will be able to help you without your ALN. some day

vik said...

I completely agree with you. I'm gonna soon post my 3 craziest conversations with these support people and u'll see the kind of mental torture that ive gone through