Thursday, February 22, 2007

To stop a thought

You know how the mind sometimes keeps racing towards a thought that you deem as unhealthy, inappropriate, and anachronistic. You try your best to shrug it off but it bounces between the four walls of your head and lands itself back where you don't want it to be.

You try to take control of your mind, and accelerate and decelerate the pace of its processing speed, only hoping that the thought would somehow escape and in the process fill your mind up with fresh new ones.

Even when the fresh thoughts replace it, they linger for sometime and almost in an instant the previous thought gatecrashes again.

So what do you do to stop a thought?

My mom used to say, close your eyes and look for darkness. A friend once mentioned that he thought about naked women to nullify this.

For the record, I have thought about kids, snow mountains, moonlight, parents, achievements, friends, gadgets, food, stand-up comedy, happiness, laughter, comics, pasta, expeditions, parties, light, roads, dance, hamsters, saxophones, hashish, poems, sexuality, scooters, printers, god,zippo, bluetooth, waterfalls, and darkness........all in an attempt to kick out that one thought.

Nothing works, they are all friends of the thought I hate.

1 comment:

Ad astra per aspera said...

You could try 'Not fighting the thought' for once and just let it take over your mind till it kinda loses its potency to disturb/attract you. Now that might actually work.
After all the forbidden fruit has always been the bane of 'huMANkind'

p.s...I am soooooo curious to know more about these so called 'forbidden' thoughts.
Wanna blog about that?

p.p.s..NAKED WOMEN!!!
Your friend thinks about naked women? Isn't that anachro-watever